Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Game does not allow you to progress once you get to the second ceremonial day, the teacher just stands there, you cant interact with her, tried loading it several times.
I'm doing a fresh play-through from start to ceremonial magic now. Will let you know if I find what's causing it to not trigger cleanly, if so I'll try to get it patched by tonight.
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Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Okay. I found it the cause of ceremonial magic 2 second half failing to execute. Fixing and updating as soon as I've tested.
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Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Hey, thx is also nice to get:)

I'm uploading the PC build first. It'll go to itch.io, then I'll roll it out across the other services. Sadly my internet is hamster-powered right now, so it's taking a bit of time.


Sep 6, 2017
I'm playing on 1600 x 900 resolution. I've had experience with Unity games where resolution screws with the game somehow, so just in case.

List of bugs:

1) The poker game sometimes doesn't work, even though I have a match. For example, I have a pair, but it doesn't recognize it. I have no choice but to discard and try again.
2) When meeting Chloe for the first time, the right half of the text in the left side text box suddenly went missing. For example, Chloe said something like, "Well, I'm looking for a bouncer." Everything after "for" went missing somehow. But if you check back in the text log, the text is there. Restarting the game fixed the issue and I never ran into it again, so I'm not sure how to reproduce this.
3) The STR and INT stat are flipped. According to the display, gaining INT stat adds to STR, and gaining STR adds to INT.
4) After the first sex with Chloe, the "Home" icon doesn't pop up in the Bath, so the only way to move to another location is to select "Quick Location". This persists for a few days before the "Home" icon eventually pops up.
5) If you try to enter the Elsewhere during Evening, you can't progress. No response when clicking on either Dylan or yourself.
6) I'm not sure how the Gym works, are you supposed to gain STR eventually after training several days in a row? At any rate, it doesn't seem like it works.
7) Sometimes you suddenly can't click on anything. This happened to be several times during the dialogue after the minotaur fight and the hound fight with Dylan.
8) Someone already mentioned earlier, but you get hardstuck on 23 September during the second Ceremonial Magic lecture. Clicking on the professor doesn't change anything.
9) If you check your inbox again after the first time, you can't leave the page.
10) The item window is in front of the "Resume" button, covering half of it.
11) This isn't really a bug, but it's possible to one-hit KO the hound with a royal flush - now that I think about it I was insanely lucky wasn't I? - which means that the tutorial about healing with Dylan took place at the office. No error happened, but I thought you should know.
12) Another non-bug, but if you try the same trick 3 times while dueling Katie she still says "Do you think the same trick will work twice on me?"
13) Main Menu button occasionally doesn't respond. I think it's a combination of malfunction with 7).

And finally, is Starcucks seriously the only place I can read the book I bought? That's $100 for the skillbook and $5 for every reading session, not to mention you have to click through a bunch of options first (choose type of coffee). Seems... unnecessary? Anyway, this is the list of bugs I found so far. Will update once you got a fix for the second Ceremonial Magic lecture. Attached is a .rar of my save files.

EDIT: Something I just remember, but to trigger the Elsewhere adventure you first have to go to the gym and click on Katie, say you want to have a match, then choose to speak with Dylan instead of "so, about the Strip MMA...". Then, the scene moves to the lecture hall when you speak with Katie. I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and even if it isn't it's incredibly unintuitive.
Last edited:
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Dec 21, 2018
The poker game sometimes doesn't work, even though I have a match. For example, I have a pair, but it doesn't recognize it. I have no choice but to discard and try again.
Make sure you're not trying to place them in the corners as the only pair. He's made it so corner pairs have to be incidental and still connect diagonally with the core 9 cards already present.
And finally, is Starcucks seriously the only place I can read the book I bought?
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Active Member
May 17, 2017
say something else..i double dog dare you...i know you can do it..tell the dev his artwork is really nice :p
I mean... The guy has commitment at least. Over 900+ comments on here of just "Thx"...

At least he's committed to the bit he's doing haha
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Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Thanks! There's been a few guys helping out with play-testing; that so many snuck past me is on me.

@somebodynobody; wow. Okay, walking through that list. I've changed all the spelling ones; there's a few that go deeper (fixing the tutorials), and a few that were somewhat questionable design. I'll have a look at that tomorrow morning.

I've been testing in 1080p, so it sounds like I need to do a full pass in lower-resolution. I've found a couple of other issues related that need to be resolved as well. The rest go on my backlog, and I'll try to clear them over the weekend.

Itch.io PC build has been updated. Uploading to Mega and the rest now.


New Member
Sep 28, 2017
The stats distribution is not working properly as noted earlier. I picked intelligence and it put it in strength. Picking anything but strength I ended up with 14 strength 2 intelligence and 2 charisma. Also had the issue with going to the ceremonial magic class. Got stuck when I returned to the start of the conversation it sent me on the quest to go into the portal with the other 2 for the first time. Otherwise, great start and I'm enjoying the play so far. Keep up the good work.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
The stats distribution is not working properly as noted earlier. I picked intelligence and it put it in strength. Picking anything but strength I ended up with 14 strength 2 intelligence and 2 charisma. Also had the issue with going to the ceremonial magic class. Got stuck when I returned to the start of the conversation it sent me on the quest to go into the portal with the other 2 for the first time. Otherwise, great start and I'm enjoying the play so far. Keep up the good work.
Thanks; I'll check it out!
May 30, 2017
I had the issues with the main menu button not working - even when it brought up a quit yes or no? option, the yes did nothing. The memories button didnt work either. Also loading during the very first convo of the game with mum closed the convo and I was unable to reopen it. That basically hard locked the game right there.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
I had the issues with the main menu button not working - even when it brought up a quit yes or no? option, the yes did nothing. The memories button didnt work either. Also loading during the very first convo of the game with mum closed the convo and I was unable to reopen it. That basically hard locked the game right there.
That one's weird. What resolution / OS are you on.

And yes, in retrospect, maybe doing this first on PC only would have been smarter :)

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
; should fix the Ceremonial Magic class bug for everyone.

I'm uploading the other mirrors and the main thread, but my internet is for crap right now, so it'll take a while.

I'm about to hit the bed, it's late here. I'll read through and see what else I can fix when I wake up tomorrow morning :)

Thanks so much to everyone that's been giving feedback; and especially to my wonderful beta-testers. Any mistakes remaining are all mine :) Hope you like it, and that you'll join Emily and rest in several more acts.
Oct 21, 2017
I got stuck on the email screen (the second time I visited it). There didn't seem to be a way out of the screen.

Update: I managed to click the "back arrow" but it was almost hidden.
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Oct 24, 2017
Yes please, always keen to hear how to make things better. Also; which platform (and resolution) are you playing it on, and if possible i'd like a savegame folder to see what's going on : C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Droid Productions\Love of Magic
Yeah had the game freeze up at the end of the 1st card battle with the "Minotaur". This led to a Kernel panic in MacOS.
My System:
MacOS Mojave_10_14_6.png
Sorry...tried but I couldn't find the save folder. tell me the path you used on MacOS and I will send it to you.
Game looks promising, good luck!
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