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  1. thejessticles

    thejessticles Porn Surfer

    Jul 16, 2012
    The 'fabled' g-spot. Who else has a hell of a time or can not even find theirs? I've watched videos, looked at diagrams, even bought a special toy designed to hit it and still nothin. I am disappoint.
  2. Badboyjason

    Badboyjason Amateur Suspended!

    Jul 14, 2012
    It's about two to three inches in and on the front wall of your pussy. Its that patch that is slightly rougher than the rest.
  3. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    From what I've been told, not all g-spots are created equal - it's not a universal magic button that can be pressed and make lightning flash around your brain and loins. Maybe your "spot" is somewhere else further down the alphabet ;)
  4. KatieColorado

    KatieColorado Porn Star

    Jun 19, 2012
    I discovered mine with a lot of help when I was 15. Mine is most definitely easier to hit anally than vaginally. I find that up front, there's just too much pressure to close to the bladder to stimulate it comfortably and I always (not a passing sensation) feel like I'm about to wet myself.

    As old tool said, not all are created equally. My girlfriend swears up and down you can actually see the ridge/nub if she dilates enough and that it's easy for her or her lovers to hit, especially in reverse cowgirl and doggy.
  5. SecretSexyBlogger

    SecretSexyBlogger Sex Lover

    Apr 18, 2012
    With the above advice all being totally sound, here's the best advice I can give you.

    The easiest way I found mine was using my index finger. Slide your index finger straight in, then hook it over. My g spot doesn't "feel" like anything.

    On the wall of your vagina nearest your belly button, it should feel ALMOST like a shelf when you hook your fingers forward. That "shelf" where the tips of your fingers are, massage away.

    It's not exactly the same as clitoral stimulation. You won't feel that same intensity. It's a different sensation, different nerve endings.

    Good luck.
  6. asdasdasxde

    asdasdasxde Charlie's Angels

    Mar 30, 2011
    maybe you need some passion to make it work
  7. umpire2

    umpire2 Share-Man of the Board

    Dec 13, 2007

    This is a very good answer, but it always points to a fairly specific location, which is not always true.

    From my experiences, the 'g' spot can be anywhere from one to four inches inside, and, while usually it can be found on the 'front wall', I have known a couple of girls whose sweet spot was totally on the far left side (which probably means---although I have not met one yet---that it can also be on the extreme right side as well).

    Also, only a couple, maybe three, had identifiable rough patches at the spot. The great majority were velvet smooth at that spot, so finding any 'rough' or ridge-like area and digging at it forever is not a guarantee.

    ALSO unfortunately, the 'g' clearly varies in size (similar to the clitoris) and sensitivity. You could be lucky enough to have an area the size of a Spanish gold piece and extremely sensitive, which could regularly and fairly easily give you mind-blowing orgasms or it could be the size of a baby's pinky nail and be generally insensitive, making it hard to find and necessary to work longer when it is found.

    Just keep trying. I'd be glad to assist if you wanted to cum over.
  8. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    My wife gets very little from the g-spot. We've tried, yet the stimulation felt by some, eludes us both, which backs up what has been said previously in theis thread, in that it varies from person to person. she does, nonetheless, orgasm during intercourse. Rather than waste my time around the g-spot, I concentrate on other areas.
  9. thejessticles

    thejessticles Porn Surfer

    Jul 16, 2012
    Thanks for the thourough replies. I might be one of those tiny, low-sensitivity g-spotters :(
    I'll have to give the other suggestions a try though.
  10. luv'sit

    luv'sit Porn Surfer

    Jul 18, 2012
    I've found that if you relax your pussy muscles and finger yourself with about two fingers to start to get yourself lubricated,,,,,, keep fingering, deeper and deeper,,, then go three if you can but stay totally relaxed and thats when I usually start dripping on a towel on the floor beside my bathtub,, I mean dripping like I'm peeing but it's clear pussy juice. It is a different kind of orgasm but to me it seems deeper and more from the belly and I'm definatly relaxed after I'm done. :rose:
  11. tiarasareforwhores

    tiarasareforwhores Sex Lover

    Oct 19, 2008
    im sure mine is there ... it just rarely happens for me like that. ive probably cum 5 times for just fucking, and even then im sure it's from how much my clit was getting stimulated. ive managed to make myself cum from my vibrator 3 times and the other two was when i was on top of a guy riding him. i get jealous of the girls who can cum from fucking without the aid of a toy or tongue ... maybe im just not doing it right! ha!
  12. nArcotic_rules

    nArcotic_rules Porn Surfer

    May 23, 2012
  13. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    When you find you will know.
  14. thejessticles

    thejessticles Porn Surfer

    Jul 16, 2012
    I'm with you on that.
  15. mrtoytek

    mrtoytek Porno Junky

    Jul 23, 2011
    Can I help you look?